A one hour movie
A digital movie is a-lot-of-data.
How many movies are there in this movie space?
Can the library address be smaller than the movie itself? |

Bits and Combinations
What a bit is, counting bits and the power of combining bits |
Compression basics
The search for repetitions and less important details. |

What a camera can capture
A camera can only capture an image of reality, not reality itself, making the image quality lossy by definition. But camera's with RAW can capture the most information. |
What the eye can sense
How many colors can your monitor show, and how many colors and details can your eyes distinguish? |

Noise is no image
We should exlude noise! |
The illusion of tones,
and the reduction of combinations. |

Less Combinations
Eight bits have 256 combinations, but if you know that eight out of eight bits are zero, than there's just one combination possible: 00000000. |
The Shortest Codes
If the goal is small files, then use the shortest codes. |
Camera Motions
A hand held videocamera its digital images are all different, even without noise, because even the slightest change of camera position results in a different image on the image sensor. |